
29 Oct 2010

Death - The beginning of Something

Allahu Akbar eyes started to get teary, was she really dead, did she feel it coming, was it painful or was it easy.. Allahu Akbar : she looked so peaceful almost as if she was asleep, could she hear us praying on her, was she watching us now,  Allahu Akbar : was she happy, could she see heaven, how did the death angel (malak al mot) look like, Allahu Akbar: may Allah rest her soul in peace, may Allah forgive all her sins,may Allah have mercy on her,  Assalamu 'Alaikum waa Rahmatulah . and it was all over .It was the first time i could see the person being prayed on .. i fought off the urge to just bend down and shake her awake .it all felt like a strange dream that just couldn't be true. Finally it settled in , she was gone , she would never wake up again,  i cried for her family. i cried knowing that someday i would be lying there too with people praying over me . i cried thinking of where she was being taken to . i cried trying to imagine being put 3 feet into the ground , covered with sand , and then being left alone. I cried thinking of the pain of having your soul pulled out . I cried thinking of how her last few breaths must have felt...

Deep down inside we all know we are going to die someday, but we never really imagine that moment happening and we keep pushing the thought of it deep into the back of our heads. maybe we just think the lesser we think about it, the lesser the chances it will happen , or maybe just thinking about it would stir in us emotions of self- doubt and questions about our actions.we all forget that this life is just a passing . the real ending is that of the here-after. an ending that we have all heard of in its two forms. An ending that we can write and build up to. God has blessed us with the ability to make decisions, showed us the right path, told us about all the ways that would lead to a dead-end ..and left the choice to us . 
We all want a happy ending ,one with gardens of riches, rivers of honey, cups of gold and silver, and palaces that cant even be imagined so why not start making the right choices ..No one is too young or too gorgeous or even too smart for death , there is no time for death, any minute can be your last , and once it hits you there is no going back. its almost like a pop quiz that you have to prepare for , so when it finally does arrive you know you have done the best you could , and inshallah it will be good enough .
Alhamdulilah for all that we have been blessed with and Allahu Akbar .

15 Oct 2010

True Friends: the cherries in our lives friends, school friends ,childhood friends, roommates, class mates, work buddies etc etc etc . from our first day in kindergarten to the last day of our lives we are always bonding with others, making relationships, getting over conflicts and learning to understand one another. However there comes a  time in every one's life where we start to prioritize these friends. From the ones we cant live without to those with just a mutual benefit and sometimes we just don't make the right cuts. Instead we end up loosing  loved ones and the other's tend to walk out on their own . Before we know it  we are left with no one to really depend on and its always too late when we finally realize it all .
  To those of us who do realize the loss of someone special but just cant admit it becuz of their pride and so on: I'd say its time to let it go . life is definitely too short for our egos and self pride. sounds so cliche ?, well it definitely does makes sense but in a world lacking in logic and rationale we could use a little reminder once in a while. Be the better person today , call that specific someone you have been ignoring for ages . all it takes is a simple " hey how's it going today ?" . Next thing you know the world is a better place and you feel so much lighter  

this post is for all the amazing people i have had the pleasure of meeting over the last few years , and for all those great friends i have had countless great memories with and i cant live without. I love you all and i apologize to all of you for the pain in the *** i am. 

12 Oct 2010

Saudi Arabia and the "AJANIB"

you walk into a store , at the counter is the usual scene ; a saudi is busy blowing his lights out at the indian worker - why ?.. the price of the product is just not satisfactory to the Saudi customer .. hence the insult on the worker's family and origin and the constant reminder that he is " ONLY HERE TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF THE SAUDIS": yes master !!! .
 I'm sure that sounds a little over played to those of you who have never been to Saudi Arabia [ the HOLY COUNTRY ], but to those of us who have lived there, gone to their schools, walked their streets and went to their hospitals , its just another day of another week where we remind ourselves not only do we not have a country to go back to ; we have to give up our rights to respect and dignity if we want to stay where we are . 

The words to best describe a saudi is :IGNORANT AND ARROGANT . its as easy as that . for example  last year as i returned from somalia , i was forced to swallow my own tongue so i would not have to deal with another saudi officer . here is how it all went down .. as i made my way through the customes at jeddah international airport , the officer at the desk asked me a question in arabic  i did not hear what he said so i asked him to please repeat what he said [ let me mention i do not speak in arabic but i do very much understand it ], so he asked again and you could see he was getting annoyed. i replied in english and as i  got my passport back and made it out , he made sure i heard him say : "MANFOO7A ITDAWAARAT" [manfooha is a Somali neighbourhood in Riyadh and itdawaarat means developed] his point ? - stop trying to act all smart because you can speak english .

Ofcourse there's always two sides to every story and this one is no exception . its very much as simple as " SOMALIS NEVER FAIL TO RUIN THEIR OWN REPUTATION " . over the last few years , the number of illegal somali residents in the kingdom has just hit sky high records . Forced out of their own homes , you would think they would have the common sense to start out clean but guess again. Drug dealing , stealing , prostitution and alcohol smuggling.  You name it and we are somehow connected . the sad part is its always the legal residents who pay the price for those idiots. 
and we wonder why we are always mistreated .. 

21 May 2010

Insanity ?? ..OR .....

A MONTH LATER : ......
Inaa hebel maa aragtay ?? [ did u see ....??] 
allah didnt you hear , wayy hiinastay oo darkii bay digtaay [ she went insane ] 

I'm not sure how common this is in other Somali communities, but in Borame its " THE PHENOMENON OF THE DECADE" . 
here's how it all started  :

zahra was a beauty queen back in her youth , she was a symbol of beauty, the talk of the town and envied by many . she was every man's dream and every ugly girl's nightmare. now one  cursed day prince charming came along, promising her everlasting happiness in his kingdom, she would be his "ONE AND ONLY" *coughs*, his PRINCESS  [ y would she settle for a princess status when she was a queen !!! .. she probably didn't realize just like so many ] .. he swept her off her feet filling her world with dreams and hopes and fantasies. now when they got married and zahra gave birth to 4 kids [ with no break in between because of the hyper-sexual ass] , she was hit with a huge responsibility and lost herself in the midst of diaper changing, breast feeding , and so0 much more. THE Princess status was dropped and now she was running around being a waitress, incubator and a pleasure doll . Prince charming married another gORGEOUS young Queen and Zahra found out weeks later , 

now i would personally handicap the bastard, throw him out , clear him bankrupt and divorce him
sadly divorce is still frowned upon in this side of the world , and women in Borame are way too passive. 
so0 how did Zahra respond : 

well she went into severe depression, turned into a ticking time bomb from all the stress , and blew up one sunny Saturday . her children where taken by the man's family and Zahra was chained to a bed so0 she wouldn't create a public scene [ as in take off her clothes in front of stores and scream : AM I NOT BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH ?? WHATS IT THAT SHE HAS AND I DONT ??]
              the reason women are loosing it is  99.999%  because of  - MEN!!!!!!!  [ i'm not HATING  but its true!!! ] 

FOR THE IDIOTS  who would argue a man is allowed four wives in our religion : A MAN is allowed to marry four wives, however there are rules before he can do so..  YOU CANT JUST BE BROKE  and expect to marry four and have 40 kids ... WTF!! THEY ARE YOUR KIDS AS MUCH AS THEY ARE HERS !!! IT JUST DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY . YOU WANNA MARRY FOUR, YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF DOING SO [ yes i got worked up for a sec there excuse the caps] 
I know most somalis don't believe in psychology , and think going to see a psychiatrist to solve your issues, is a sign of lack of faith . [ that explains the nonexistence of somali psychiatrists in somalia ] 
now if common sense was existent i would agree with that thinking , but common sense has died a few 100 years ago, and since it isnt going to be resurrected anytime soon, id say take the preventive measures to a happier life .. confused ?? this is how you do it : 


7 May 2010

Somaliland Elections !!!!!

AND THE DAY HAS COME!!! : with every election there is that mix of  high hopes, dreams for recognition, and wishes for the best . question is how much of the public's opinion is looked at or considered  ???
 now i have promised myself i wouldn't get political, but this is " THE EVENT OF THE MONTH" . so a few words on it could do no harm .. just to make things clear,  I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THE CANDIDATES, I REMAIN NEUTRAL IN THE ENTIRE ISSUE !!!! ..

now that thats out of the way , you are all wondering who is running ?. well for starters there are 3 candidates :

Dahir Riyale Kahin - For Unity, Democracy, and Independence [ UDUB]
President Dahir Riyale Kahin is Somaliland's third President. A member of the feared National Security Service under the late Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre, as Vice-President of Somaliland he took over after President Mohamed Ibrahim Egal died in 2002. He narrowly won the 2003 presidential election, amid claims of manipulation

Ahmed M. Mahamoud Silanyo - Peace, Unity, and Development Party [KULMIYE]
Ahmed Mohamed 'Silanyo', was widely expected to win the 2003 presidential election. He lost to the Unity Peace and Independence party candidate Dahir Riyale Kahin by just 80 votes. Silanyo was expected to win the next election but his party has problems. Always an autocratic Chairman, younger activists are challenging Silanyo, particularly since the party's March 2009 convention. Some senior members left and Kulmiye is weaker than in 2003.

Faysal Cali Warabe - For Justice and Development [ UCID]
leader of the second opposition party, the Justice and Welfare Party (UCID), has no political baggage from ex-President Mohamed Siad Barre's regime. This has worked in his favour and he has cultivated a successful, if relatively low key, media profile.

voting starts in a few days or weeks, and hopefully things will run smoothly ; with as little manipulation as possible in an African country.[ don't yall sit there and act like it aint happened].. we all know there is no way to a 100% uncorrupted election, but according to claims we could come as close as 90% accurate votes. Using a facial recognition technology, should cut down on the inconsistencies . I'd say it don't get any better than this. Being in Africa; that is definitely an accomplishment.

another major event coming up is SOMALI LAND INDEPENDENCE DAY.!!!! . alotta festivities in the air in the communities worldwide . like the many onlookers , I  got my cameras charged and ready to catch the excitement. 
definitely doing a post on that to0.  

3 May 2010


over the years, i have always heard people argue about what is considered beautiful . things like " long hair is gorgeous " and " long legs are sexyy" . Usually one of these arguments would end with a statement like :  " beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".
 now being me i always found that line extremely corny, and people who considered obese to be hot  as just really twisted.. well sadly i was wrong, naive to be more precise .
 i never really thought somalis looked at beauty in the way i am about to put it [ apparently being born and raised in the middle east did affect my somali perception of things ].

now of the many strange beauty symbols,  the one thing that has me in complete awe was the fact that
" STAINED TEETH  AND SPACING ARE A SYMBOL OF BEAUTY !!!!!!!!!!!!" , if only someone told me that a few years back, i would never put myself through the torture of braces and those long  dreaded dental visit.

 " WAXINNNGGG !!!" ... another hellish process we women put ourselves through for that silky smooth skin that is considered feminly . well  you wont see no somali women worrying about hairy arms or legs and how unattractive it is,
since HAIRINESS IS HOT!!!. ofcourse not to the extent that makes you look like a primitve creature, but as some of you might know, africans arent really hairyy, [ i guess that explains why the few who have that little hair want to keep it]. now that brings me to the eyebrows- when in somalia, the thicker your eyebrows, the hotter you are.. so ladies THROW THEM TWEEZERS AND GET THAT NATURAL

main point : so you want to be a model ??? but cant make it in paris because you are not skinny enough ?? TRY OUT WHERE BOOTYNESS IS APPRECIATED!!!!

20 Apr 2010


a few months back i ran across these set of videos on youtube, and they had me on the floor with tears in my eyes ,laughin soooo hard!!!! . its sad its got to stop at part 3 . but ENJOYYY !!!  

 WARYA C'MON SON!!!! ...

31 Mar 2010

A day in a Somali's life [female version]

5:00 am - its fajr time, the sun isn't out yet but everyone is up and running , men are off to the mosques, women are praying at home .
5:30 am - payers done. everyone goes bac to sleep but mom stays up, starts the morning fire and has the tea boiling [ takes about 30 min on wood fire] in the meantime, she sweeps the house, gets the house chores done and she's back in the kitchen.
now its time for the laxoox/ injera [ making it takes so much skill, its amazing just watching it being made .ART AT ITS BEST!!!].
6:30 am - time to get the kids ready for school, everybody is up and its rush hour in the house. everyone's calling for hooyoo, husband wants his breakfast, kids are fighting over pencils . its a miracle hooyo gets everyone ready in time.
7:30 am - the house is at peace again. hooyoo eats her breakfast, cleans up whatever mess the family made,  gets ready, and heads for the market [ this is pretty much the somali version of a saloon. where women release their daily stress, and get last night's headlines in a min]
8:30 am - she is back with the grocery and the latest gossip. satisfied with the headlines. she takes a moment to sit back and reflect
9:00 am - 12:30 pm - back in the kitchen, hooyoo struggles with a meal enough for 9 people
12:30 pm - everyone is back. kids complain about school, husband complains about work. everyone wants attention because his/her day was just exhausting.

husband: heblayo what's for lunch??
kids: yuckyy i dont want bariis
husband: what is this?? why didnt you make maraaq?
kids: uuuuufff NOO I WONT EAT IT
husband: im not hungry anymore, im tired of this

1:30 pm : finally everyone is in bed, and zzzZZzz'in away. hooyoo stays up, washes the dishes, and tries to finish laundry [ there is no washing machines, 2 buckets of water, soap and alot of hand action does the job]
3:30 pm: everyone is up again, and its chaos all over. the husband heads downtown with his friends, khaat chewing and enjoying the hottest on the political wagon.
4:00 - 8:00pm: hooyoo stays with kids, helping out with homework, and keeping peace in the house. somewhere in between she makes dinner, laxoox again while watching over abdi and mohamad.
8:30pm: kids are put to sleep, and hooyoo gets a moment of silence .....
11:00pm: daddy is back, high as ever, and louder than loud. replaying every political detail, and cursing at reer hebel, and blaming ina hebel for the country's situation. finally he is done and exhausted
12:00pm: the day is over, and hooyoo gets to get some good night sleep

                        5:00 am : it's fajr time .....................

29 Mar 2010

Earthquakes, Heavy rains and Volcanoes !!!!


now the story behind this weird title:

few days back, as we sat around gossiping on the hottest, latest stories . it started "EATHQUAKING"
now for a group of girls who've never been through any kind of drill , the greatest idea at the time was :RUNNN FOR IT !!!! 

to where ?? i dont know . as we made it out the building, and the earthquake stopped. everyone started " the nervous giggle" .[this is how it goes: aha ..ahaha...wo0w pheww  ]. now being somalis, im sure this is how hooyo explains earthquakes or any other natural disaster : "DANBII AYAA BADTAYY ...ISTAGFURALLAH ISTAGFURALLAH ..GO PRAY!!! ..ITS NOT FUNNY !!!!". so flashbacks of hooyo's words cut our gossip short, everyone went home , prayed to god for forgivness , read a few quranic verses and went to bed .

THE NEXT DAY:  [in the suuq]

heblayo : do you know the reason for these kinda earthquakes ??
xalimo: ummm too much danbii maybe
cambaro: walahi true, omg maybe 2012 wasnt so stupid afterall
heblayo : no i mean scientifically!!!! .."I HEARD" its because theres an active volcano close by  
[ emphasis on heard: you would think she read it in a book or something.. guess again ; this is the "SCIENCE" of the khaat chewing men, or the old ladies on their morning grocery trips!!!] 
xalimo : o.O..your crazy
cambaro: naya Science kulaha...WE'R GOIN TO HELL!!! 
 [ very typical somali reaction ]

heblayo : WALAHIIII !!!!!!!
heblayo: and whenever theres an earthquake, it rains after it
cambaro : yaeh i heard that too .. waa ruun, because the ground breathes when it shakes  so0 that forms alotta clouds , you know dee  the whole gas release thingy  [ i dont know, but that just reminds me of little kids when they want to fart]
xalimo: uhuu..yaeh sure it does .. where do you get this stuff
.......everyone else is ROTFL by now

 heblayo: U'LL C..ITS GONNA RAIN 

2 days later it really does rain , and not just rain . i mean like heavy rain!!!. ; as for the volcano , apparently earthquakes can cause volcanic activity .

now im not sure about the science behind  all of this. but if you hear a somali woman explaining something that does not make sense. you best believe its true!!! .and if she tells you to do things a certain way, and you know "the world" does it another way. then, FORGET THE WORLD, THE OLD LADY IS NEVER WRONG!!!


1. she will dacas you down until you know she is right
2. im sure as hell you do not want to get cursed by them, it might sound superstitious
but if they curse you , EXPECT A BAD DAY IN YOUR NEAR FUTURE!!!!

02. april :
okay update story : this is probably worse than the volcanoes and the gorund breathing ; THERE IS A SNAKE TWISTING INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN EVERYTIME THERE'S AN EARTHQUAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!....honestly i am speechless
behold the reasoning of the somali community  

26 Mar 2010

sleepy thought

"GO YE AND CAUSE MAYHEM"... the title of a Youtube video that had me laughing, confused, frustrated and thinking.

So at the end of a long day, feeling bored and tired,in an attempt to entertain myself as i eat my laxoox, i click on youtube. now my hands aimlessly type in Somalia, and the results are as expected
the words "AL-SHABAAB, CIVIL WAR , PIRATES and FIGHTERS" play over my screen. As i scroll down, this video catches my attention, double-click, and its loading . few minutes later here i am, sleepy, skeptic, and a little more repulsive to Kenyans.

now this is a video by a so-called "NTV Kenya; a Kenyan premier TV station for news and general programming", Whats amazing about it is ..HOW ON EARTH WHERE THEY ABLE TO GET HOLD OF SUCH NEWS ??. I've watched the video twice, and there was not one second of that video that clearly showed AK-47's being given off as prizes .
and why would a 100+ residents attend such a ceremony??, some regions of Somalia may be in war but that does not mean the public are approving of little boys running around with guns and grenades, shooting and killing innocent civilians!!!...not only is it absurd, it is unbelievably frustrating how such a story is fragmented to make Somalis look bad.

now thats not the worst of it , as i scroll down to read the comments , this is the response of a person to some one who said
" I want to go to Somalia and form my own country... Who is with me?"


"@tomrichardson83 yeh....then go live live
there.....and try to avoid genocide, aids,
rape, and starvation....then tell me you still wanna live there asshole"

its funny how everyone just assumes we have aids and starvation and all kinds of horrible problems. he might be right about genocide, but rape??.
of course there is that occasional incident that has everyone shocked and in disbelieve . but AIDS AND RAPE ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST OF OUR INTERNAL ISSUES!!!!...

but sadly that seems to be the impression the world has created about a country that was once known as "PARADISE IN AFRICA".

....too sleepy to type, the words of a friend pop in my head

"I've got sunshine in a bag, no wait its piss"..

final words : zzzzZZZZZZZzzzzz lo0olzzz

22 Mar 2010

Somalia - A Lifetime experience

3 years ago, on a sunny sad day , i was told of a place called Borame,and that i would be doing my degree there. The first question that popped in my head was " where is that??". i was in disbelieve when i heard it was in "SOMALIA". i was so sure i wouldn't come out of that trip alive!! . words from the news kept playing in my head " al-shabab, Islamists, UN, Somalia ". i was heartbroken, depressed, and mad at the world. i prayed for forgiveness and repented all of my sins, [ since i knew my clock was ticking].

A month later : as i stepped out of the plane , the weather was UNBELIEVABLE !!!!.being from the middle east where
airconditioning pretty much keeps us alive ; the cold breeze and the cloudy sky was just breath taking!!!!

my first reaction inside the airport was : OMGGGG LOOK AT ALL THESE SOMALI PEOPLE!!!!! , my dad quickly hushed me, and told me " people can understand, you know !!!" [ i was used 2 using my somali as a secret language , now everyone around me could understand it, and they were all staring like i was an alien!!!!! ] . 4 hours later , i saw A GOAT FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE , 2 min later , BACAC!!! OMGG LOOK AT THE BACAAC!!!! [ bacaac = sheep], i had no idea what they were called in somali and i honestly believed that was a real name for it.

i was like a little lost child, in a different world . i would stare at everything and everyone. and i had so many questions, and no one was being helpful .

the one thing that had me thinking, was why everyone was chewing "GREEN LEAVES JUST LIKE GOATS " .. LIKE
when i finally got to my new home, i was a bit relieved, things were starting to feel better.. the house had a huge balcony and WE HAD A MAID!!!!!! [ we have never had a maid before , so this was 5 star treatment], i was thrilled at the weather i quickly changed into something lighter and sat outside . one thing i didn't realize was going to meet my enemy : "THE MOSQUITOES".. apparently these tiny
lil insects were feeding on my sweet, fresh blood all along ,, 2 hours later, i was swelling up like a pumpkin, and i didn't know why... i was having an allergic reaction and it was so bad, i had to get shots at the local hospital .
ever since that day, long sleeves and mosquito repellents were a must!!

3 years later : I AM STILL ALIVE !!!!!!, and living life to the fullest.
i wont lie and tell you, "SOMALIA IS THE AFRICAN VERSION OF HAWAII!!!" [ I'm sure most of you heard that from
aabo or hooyo] , but its definitely a trip everyone has to take once in their lifetime . your whole perspective of life will be changed forever. the little things that most of us take for granted are Blessings we should be grateful for every single day of our lives.


19 Mar 2010

BURNING - The Hottest Trend

march 15 .010- A step-mom and her daughter are fighting over something as stupid as .."wash the dishes" , daughter gets angry, locks herself in a room, pours gas all over herself, lights a match and .BOOOMM!!- in 5 sec's her entire body lights up and before you know it she's a human cannon ball , screaming for help. Only problem is; no one can get in, and she cant get out.
30 minutes later shes rushed to the ER, with a 3rd degree burn, and almost 0 skin left on her
2 hours later - she is dead.

LATEST TRENDS IN NORTHERN SOMALIA a.k.a "SOMALILAND" : TEENAGE GIRLS BURN THEMSELVES FOR ATTENTION. sad thing is most of them never live to see any attention, and those who do survive, get treated like monsters.
most of these girls are around the age of 15 to 23, either in high school, or college; and some even married
whats even worse is how no one seems to care . since the beginning of this  month over 5 girls have burned themselves, for the dumbest of reasons. now your probably wondering what could push someone to do such a thing ?. well heres their reasons for doing it :

1. my boyfriend dumped me
2. How dare my mom talk 2 me like that
3. I hate school
4. My boyfriend got me pregnant, and im screwed

The funny thing about a situation this wrong, is how others arent really learning anything from it , and instead of  realizing the stupidity of it all. Burning has become "THE NEXT BIG THING". every little girl has a bottle of gas under her bed, ready to be used. the moment something doesnt go the way she wants it ,
her  reaction will be : 


In a way, its foolishly smart because they will get their way, but for the few who do turn threats into a reality, well  lets just say when you are in one of the world's most underprivileged countries, i really think  "BURNING" for attention should not even be an option.

 Honestly though If i tried that stunt at home .. im sure HOOYOO WOULD HAND ME THE GAS AND THE MATCHES.....and the moment i poured the gas, she would most definetly "DACAS" me down, and have me wishing i never even had a burnin tought to begin with....

all in all, RESPECT YOUR MOMS, DONT GET PREGNANT, WHINE ABOUT SCHOOL, but  DO NOT BURN YOURSELF!!!!!! ..nothing on this earth is worth it 

18 Feb 2010

Empowering African Women

Its 8 am in the morning, another regular day in a beautiful, sun kissed African city. Everything seems so perfect until you see a 60+ woman carrying this incredibly heavy load on her back and all by herself. Normal commonsense refuses this image by reasoning: does she have no male figure to help out? , sons perhaps, maybe even a nephew or a grandson. But we dismiss the view, making an excuse for a situation so wrong. Few blocks ahead there is this adorable 4 year old little girl, only problem is she is balancing a 2 year old on one hip while holding the hand of another child. Once again, commonsense finds this very disturbing. You ask yourself: why is a child taking care of “CHILDREN”, where are the”adults” responsible for them. Yet again we dismiss away the picture.
the reason why nobody will do something about a situation that seems so wrong, is because everyone is waiting for somebody else to take charge, That “SUPERMAN” who will take the first step to addressing an issue that has been around since the beginning of times; “WOMEN = NO RIGHTS” .

For a continent that is blessed with unimaginable amounts of riches, beauty and all that Mother Nature has to offer. The one thing that is still not appreciated is “WOMEN”. Although the world seems to be making progress in giving women their human rights, Africa still remains at the bottom of the list of improvement. What astonishes many people is the strength African women are blessed with. In no way is this overstated because, the only women who can stay active for over 16 hours each day; every day of the year, without a single complain and yet not be appreciated are African women.
This is all due to that evil mind twist that has been inflicted upon nations over the centuries, where women are taught to deal with whatever kind of abuse is brought upon them, because they are somehow responsible for it. And while most of the world seems to have come out of their trance, we as Africans are still deep in hypnosis and living in denial.

I think it is time for African women to say no to violence. No matter what kind it is, or who is inflicting it unto you. Let it be physical, emotional, mental, even a social abuse; STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND SAY NO!. Do not let yourself be fooled into taking care of a man, just because he is the “Father” of your children. If his contribution is limited to a sperm; then show him the door and kiss him goodbye. Because I guarantee you, that sperm is a by-product of his blissful moment.
As for the lesson of the ancient scholars, that was so full of wisdom “This is a man’s world” – has indeed proven itself to be so full of bull crap.

So do be that “superman”, and speak up for yourself.
Every time you talk about it, you encourage others to do so too. With every word, you empower an army of women and help the world be a better place for your daughters and granddaughters.

7 Feb 2010

Somali pedophiles???

about a week ago. the city of Borame was put in shock, as two young girls were raped.
Now the reason why this story was even more unbeilivable is the circumstance in which this horrifying crime took place.

the 2 girls were of ages 3 and 6. yet thats not the worst of it at all
what makes this even worse is the fact that the 6 year old was raped at a QURANIC SCHOOL!!!. yes thats right...and by who?? her teacher!!!!.
and if you think it doesnt get any worse than this , GUESS WHAT does..
this teacher was a married man with two wifes and hitting the age of 40+. the story of the 3 year old is still not clear but sadly the child has passed away. may GOD rest her soul in peace......
now alot of you might think this is just another somali storyy spiced up to ruin the image of "sheikhs". but this is straight up facts . both men are in prison at the moment and this situation is under investigation
i am personally outraged that these men are even still alive. as our religion says raping is a crime. and the ruling on this crime is DEATH!!! and even if there are those irrational indivituals who like to argue that it was by consent...THEY WERE LIL KIDSS!!!!! innocent child who has to suffer from the trauma, a mentally sick **** has inflicted on her.
honestly the only punishment fair enough is hanging at a public place. let those who contemplate an act so0 horrible consider it a lesson , "whoever does disobey the laws of the Quran, they shall be punished " , not only would it discourage further incidents, it would bring peace to the families of the little girls, and reassure the society that we do take crimes seriously and those who cause them, will not be left unpunished.
3 cases of rape in 2 weeks time is an alarming no. in a country that is known for its 100% muslim population. i mean where has our religion gone?? where are the beliefs that were so0 highly held??.what happened to the days when u could walk the streets in peace, without having to worry about theft or abuse???