
29 Oct 2010

Death - The beginning of Something

Allahu Akbar eyes started to get teary, was she really dead, did she feel it coming, was it painful or was it easy.. Allahu Akbar : she looked so peaceful almost as if she was asleep, could she hear us praying on her, was she watching us now,  Allahu Akbar : was she happy, could she see heaven, how did the death angel (malak al mot) look like, Allahu Akbar: may Allah rest her soul in peace, may Allah forgive all her sins,may Allah have mercy on her,  Assalamu 'Alaikum waa Rahmatulah . and it was all over .It was the first time i could see the person being prayed on .. i fought off the urge to just bend down and shake her awake .it all felt like a strange dream that just couldn't be true. Finally it settled in , she was gone , she would never wake up again,  i cried for her family. i cried knowing that someday i would be lying there too with people praying over me . i cried thinking of where she was being taken to . i cried trying to imagine being put 3 feet into the ground , covered with sand , and then being left alone. I cried thinking of the pain of having your soul pulled out . I cried thinking of how her last few breaths must have felt...

Deep down inside we all know we are going to die someday, but we never really imagine that moment happening and we keep pushing the thought of it deep into the back of our heads. maybe we just think the lesser we think about it, the lesser the chances it will happen , or maybe just thinking about it would stir in us emotions of self- doubt and questions about our actions.we all forget that this life is just a passing . the real ending is that of the here-after. an ending that we have all heard of in its two forms. An ending that we can write and build up to. God has blessed us with the ability to make decisions, showed us the right path, told us about all the ways that would lead to a dead-end ..and left the choice to us . 
We all want a happy ending ,one with gardens of riches, rivers of honey, cups of gold and silver, and palaces that cant even be imagined so why not start making the right choices ..No one is too young or too gorgeous or even too smart for death , there is no time for death, any minute can be your last , and once it hits you there is no going back. its almost like a pop quiz that you have to prepare for , so when it finally does arrive you know you have done the best you could , and inshallah it will be good enough .
Alhamdulilah for all that we have been blessed with and Allahu Akbar .

15 Oct 2010

True Friends: the cherries in our lives friends, school friends ,childhood friends, roommates, class mates, work buddies etc etc etc . from our first day in kindergarten to the last day of our lives we are always bonding with others, making relationships, getting over conflicts and learning to understand one another. However there comes a  time in every one's life where we start to prioritize these friends. From the ones we cant live without to those with just a mutual benefit and sometimes we just don't make the right cuts. Instead we end up loosing  loved ones and the other's tend to walk out on their own . Before we know it  we are left with no one to really depend on and its always too late when we finally realize it all .
  To those of us who do realize the loss of someone special but just cant admit it becuz of their pride and so on: I'd say its time to let it go . life is definitely too short for our egos and self pride. sounds so cliche ?, well it definitely does makes sense but in a world lacking in logic and rationale we could use a little reminder once in a while. Be the better person today , call that specific someone you have been ignoring for ages . all it takes is a simple " hey how's it going today ?" . Next thing you know the world is a better place and you feel so much lighter  

this post is for all the amazing people i have had the pleasure of meeting over the last few years , and for all those great friends i have had countless great memories with and i cant live without. I love you all and i apologize to all of you for the pain in the *** i am. 

12 Oct 2010

Saudi Arabia and the "AJANIB"

you walk into a store , at the counter is the usual scene ; a saudi is busy blowing his lights out at the indian worker - why ?.. the price of the product is just not satisfactory to the Saudi customer .. hence the insult on the worker's family and origin and the constant reminder that he is " ONLY HERE TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF THE SAUDIS": yes master !!! .
 I'm sure that sounds a little over played to those of you who have never been to Saudi Arabia [ the HOLY COUNTRY ], but to those of us who have lived there, gone to their schools, walked their streets and went to their hospitals , its just another day of another week where we remind ourselves not only do we not have a country to go back to ; we have to give up our rights to respect and dignity if we want to stay where we are . 

The words to best describe a saudi is :IGNORANT AND ARROGANT . its as easy as that . for example  last year as i returned from somalia , i was forced to swallow my own tongue so i would not have to deal with another saudi officer . here is how it all went down .. as i made my way through the customes at jeddah international airport , the officer at the desk asked me a question in arabic  i did not hear what he said so i asked him to please repeat what he said [ let me mention i do not speak in arabic but i do very much understand it ], so he asked again and you could see he was getting annoyed. i replied in english and as i  got my passport back and made it out , he made sure i heard him say : "MANFOO7A ITDAWAARAT" [manfooha is a Somali neighbourhood in Riyadh and itdawaarat means developed] his point ? - stop trying to act all smart because you can speak english .

Ofcourse there's always two sides to every story and this one is no exception . its very much as simple as " SOMALIS NEVER FAIL TO RUIN THEIR OWN REPUTATION " . over the last few years , the number of illegal somali residents in the kingdom has just hit sky high records . Forced out of their own homes , you would think they would have the common sense to start out clean but guess again. Drug dealing , stealing , prostitution and alcohol smuggling.  You name it and we are somehow connected . the sad part is its always the legal residents who pay the price for those idiots. 
and we wonder why we are always mistreated ..