
7 Apr 2012

Fanatic Feminism And the Hijab Drama

When people want to brutally criticize Islam and how it mistreats women , They usually fail to see the bigger picture . They are quick to jump on how women are treated in Afghanistan and how they cannot attend schools. Or In Saudi Arabia and how women there do not vote or drive .Or how In Iran women are so brutally stoned for adultery, Or the entire muslim world and the enormous number of Honour killings and Child brides.
OH MY GOD , ISLAM IS SUCH A SEXIST, MALE DOMINANT RELIGION !!. Lets Ban the Niqab and the Hijab , Lets Ban praying in Universities, Lets Ban everything Islamic and The women will be free !!!! I bet the only reason they wear that rag is because of their husbands, brothers and fathers, I bet the only reason they’re praying like that is because they must be forced to do so . OH POOR LITTLE THINGS!!!! POWER TO THE WOMEN!!! …. 
 And I laugh at the irony : Oppression under the name of freedom
Have you asked yourselves why the things you call Islamic change from one muslim country to another ? How is it that other muslim girls go to school in other muslim countries ? and how is it that muslim women around the world drive and vote? Did you consider that these were all different cultures and traditions ?
There is no such thing as Honour killings in Islam. It is Forbidden and should be treated like any other murder, it does not exist in the Quran or the Sunnah and carrying out such an act should be punished!. There is Nothing in the Quran or the Sunnah that prohibit women from gaining knowledge from school or Universities. On the contrary the very first words of the Holy Quran revealed were “READ” . The prophet’s wife Aisha was one of the greatest Scholars of her time, Men and Women went to her for Knowledge and advice. She was the equivalent of today’s Harvard University. There is no Obligation for muslim women to wear the Niqab , it is a matter of choice . So the next time you see a muslim Ninja female, Do not be quick to blame her husband, brother or father .Islam is a choice , you can choose to follow it or you can choose not to -Only God will judge you on it . However Culture and tradition is  often NOT a choice , if you fail to follow it - Society will judge you 
Let’s scream for women’s rights together, Lets Help victims of rape and domestic abuse, Lets put our efforts into getting better work and schooling opportunities for women . But please Lets not blame Religion for the Ignorance of some fools.

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