
19 Mar 2010

BURNING - The Hottest Trend

march 15 .010- A step-mom and her daughter are fighting over something as stupid as .."wash the dishes" , daughter gets angry, locks herself in a room, pours gas all over herself, lights a match and .BOOOMM!!- in 5 sec's her entire body lights up and before you know it she's a human cannon ball , screaming for help. Only problem is; no one can get in, and she cant get out.
30 minutes later shes rushed to the ER, with a 3rd degree burn, and almost 0 skin left on her
2 hours later - she is dead.

LATEST TRENDS IN NORTHERN SOMALIA a.k.a "SOMALILAND" : TEENAGE GIRLS BURN THEMSELVES FOR ATTENTION. sad thing is most of them never live to see any attention, and those who do survive, get treated like monsters.
most of these girls are around the age of 15 to 23, either in high school, or college; and some even married
whats even worse is how no one seems to care . since the beginning of this  month over 5 girls have burned themselves, for the dumbest of reasons. now your probably wondering what could push someone to do such a thing ?. well heres their reasons for doing it :

1. my boyfriend dumped me
2. How dare my mom talk 2 me like that
3. I hate school
4. My boyfriend got me pregnant, and im screwed

The funny thing about a situation this wrong, is how others arent really learning anything from it , and instead of  realizing the stupidity of it all. Burning has become "THE NEXT BIG THING". every little girl has a bottle of gas under her bed, ready to be used. the moment something doesnt go the way she wants it ,
her  reaction will be : 


In a way, its foolishly smart because they will get their way, but for the few who do turn threats into a reality, well  lets just say when you are in one of the world's most underprivileged countries, i really think  "BURNING" for attention should not even be an option.

 Honestly though If i tried that stunt at home .. im sure HOOYOO WOULD HAND ME THE GAS AND THE MATCHES.....and the moment i poured the gas, she would most definetly "DACAS" me down, and have me wishing i never even had a burnin tought to begin with....

all in all, RESPECT YOUR MOMS, DONT GET PREGNANT, WHINE ABOUT SCHOOL, but  DO NOT BURN YOURSELF!!!!!! ..nothing on this earth is worth it 


  1. daaaaaaaaaaaamn, walahi this sum crazy shit..subhanallah those girls need counseling....i just woke up too..not a good way to start my day....when younger girls see the older ones doing this, they take an example out of it because youth are very impressionable at a young age...but damn it can u give me a happy post!!!! maybe something about a tree or some goats ... im startin to think my home is a hell hole lol

  2. lo0o0o0olzz ..aiite aiite ..ill try a
    "HAPPY POST".. and its defintely gonna have trees and goats in it lo0o0olzz.
